
Dear Diary,

God bless America! Since we all keep our hands in our pockets when it's cold instead of wearing gloves, and scarves are for people who like the idea of scarves, and umbrellas don't really work too well with bicycles. Fender fanders.

I've decided I'm going to re-write a second grade science textbook using dog years as units of measure (20,000 dog years under the sea /  20 dog years to the moon / 3.5 dog years since we last hung out) and Cheerios as units of "work" (in place of Kelvins, Netwon-meters, calories per second, and so forth) since not only do they fill hot dogs, veggie hot dogs, and maybe real dogs, but they also fuel robots at General Mills that, in turn, make more Cheerios. Self-sustainability!

Anyways, it's been an average day, Diary, and I just want to start sharing some more things with you.


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